
MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)是一种用于划分人格类型的测评工具,根据个体在四对二元维度上的倾向性来分类人格类型,共有16种类型。

1. ISTJ - 负责任的执行者:踏实、务实、有条理、喜欢按照规则和计划行事。

2. ISFJ - 用心细致的协调者:温和、关心他人、守时、善于帮助他人。

3. INFJ - 目标导向的理论家:深思熟虑、有理想、富有创意、喜欢帮助他人成长。

4. INTJ - 独立思考者:理性、具有远见、系统性思考、注重目标实现。

5. ISTP - 逻辑冷静的解决者:喜欢实际动手解决问题、灵活、善于发现问题的核心。

6. ISFP - 自由灵魂的艺术家:细腻、保持个人价值观、热爱美、感性。

7. INFP - 热情的理想主义者:忠于个人价值观、富有创造力、注重内心感受。

8. INTP - 分析思考者:好奇心强、分析问题、善于寻找解决方案。

9. ESTP - 灵活冒险家:实际行动、适应力强、喜欢冒险和刺激。

10. ESFP - 热情的表演者:外向、乐观、人际关系好、享受当下。

11. ENFP - 活力四溢的倡导者:激情洋溢、有创意、喜欢帮助他人实现潜力。

12. ENTJ - 决策者与领导者:果断、目标导向、善于组织和执行。

13. ESTJ - 坦率务实者:勤奋、组织能力强、尊重传统和规则、具有领导能力。

14. ESFJ - 热心的支持者:友好、关心他人、亲近、善于组织和协调。

15. ENFJ - 魅力的领导者:热情、关心他人、善于激励、注重他人成长。

16. ENTp - 创新的理论家:理性、灵活、喜欢挑战传统、善于发展新想法。



Sure! Here is a brief English description of each of the 16 MBTI personality types:

1. ISTJ - Responsible Inspectors: Practical, reliable, well-organized, and detail-oriented inpiduals who prefer order and follow established rules.

2. ISFJ - Supportive Caretakers: Warm, caring, responsible, and loyal inpiduals who enjoy helping others and preserving tradition.

3. INFJ - Visionary Counselors: Insightful, creative, and idealistic inpiduals who prioritize personal growth and are dedicated to making a positive impact on others.

4. INTJ - Strategic Masterminds: Logical, independent, and strategic inpiduals who focus on long-term planning, abstract ideas, and efficient problem-solving.

5. ISTP - Skillful Crafters: Analytical, adaptable, and hands-on inpiduals who excel in practical problem-solving, troubleshooting, and exploring new ideas.

6. ISFP - Gentle Artists: Compassionate, gentle, and artistic inpiduals who value personal values, appreciate beauty, and find fulfillment in creativity.

7. INFP - Empathetic Idealists: Imaginative, caring, and driven by strong values, these inpiduals strive for authenticity, seek personal meaning, and value emotional connection.

8. INTP - Logical Thinkers: Curious, independent, and analytical inpiduals who enjoy exploring concepts deeply, solving complex problems, and seeking logical explanations.

9. ESTP - Energetic Adventurers: Outgoing, action-oriented, and adaptable inpiduals who thrive on excitement, seek new experiences, and excel in hands-on activities.

10. ESFP - Enthusiastic Performers: Sociable, spontaneous, and fun-loving inpiduals who enjoy being in the spotlight, appreciate sensory pleasures, and value connections with others.

11. ENFP - Inspirational Advocates: Energetic, imaginative, and empathetic inpiduals who are driven by their values, constantly seek personal growth, and enjoy motivating others.

12. ENTJ - Decisive Leaders: Assertive, commanding, and strategic leaders who excel in organizing people and resources, executing plans, and achieving goals.

13. ESTJ - Efficient Administrators: Responsible, practical, and organized inpiduals who respect tradition, prioritize efficiency, and possess strong leadership skills.

14. ESFJ - Supportive Providers: Warm, caring, and friendly inpiduals who value harmony and cooperation, enjoy helping and supporting others, and are skilled at creating a sense of community.

15. ENFJ - Charismatic Leaders: Charismatic, empathetic, and persuasive inpiduals with excellent interpersonal skills, who are passionate about inspiring and guiding others toward personal growth and harmony.

16. ENTp - Innovative Theorists: Analytical, flexible, and open-minded inpiduals who challenge traditions, generate new ideas, and thrive in generating innovative solutions.

Please note that these descriptions are just brief summaries, and each inpidual within a specific type can have unique characteristics and preferences.