
MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)是一种常用的人格测评工具,用于帮助人们了解自己的人格类型和倾向。MBTI将人格分为16种类型,每种类型由四个维度的组合而成:

1. 外向(E)和内向(I):衡量一个人是倾向于外向还是内向。

2. 感觉(S)和直觉(N):衡量一个人是倾向于关注细节和具体事实,还是更关注整体和概念。

3. 思考(T)和情感(F):衡量一个人是倾向于通过逻辑和分析做决策,还是更倾向于通过情感和价值观做决策。

4. 判断(J)和知觉(P):衡量一个人是倾向于组织和计划,还是更倾向于灵活和开放。



16personalities 是一个根据MBTI理论开发的在线测试平台

译文:The Career Personality Profiler (CPP) is an online assessment tool that helps inpiduals identify their unique personality traits and how they relate to different career paths. Developed by psychologists and career counselors, the CPP uses a combination of psychometric and behavioral-based questions to measure an inpidual's personality characteristics and provide insight into their career interests, goals, and preferences.

The CPP is based on the Big Five personality traits, which include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits are linked to different work styles, which can help inpiduals make more informed decisions about their career paths. The CPP report breaks down an inpidual's personality profile in terms of these traits and provides suggestions for career paths and work environments that are a good fit for that profile.

The CPP assessment typically takes between 20 to 30 minutes to complete and provides a detailed report that includes personalized feedback, career recommendations, and suggested courses of action. By taking the CPP, inpiduals can gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the types of careers that are most compatible with their unique personality profile.