MBTI职业性格测试 Personality Types | 16Personalities

MBTI职业性格测试 Personality Types | 16Personalities:16型人格测试是一种通过对个人行为、情感、思考方式等多个方面进行系统测量而得出的人格类型划分方法。该测试基于瑞士心理学家荣格(C.G. Jung)的心理类型學理论和研究而来,目前被广泛应用于职业规划、团队建设、人际交往等各个领域。但是,有些人质疑该测试的准确性和权威性。本文将从多个角度来探讨16型人格测试的权威性。

MBTI职业性格测试 Personality Types | 16Personalities

人格类型(Personality Types)的概念可以在心理学的不同理论中找到,但在这里我会重点介绍最广为人知的两个系统:卡尔·荣格的心理类型理论以及迈尔斯-布里格斯型别指标(MBTI)。

1. 卡尔·荣格的心理类型理论:


2. 迈尔斯-布里格斯型别指标(MBTI):

这是基于荣格理论发展起来的一套更现代的人格分类体系,由Isabel Briggs Myers和她的母亲Katharine Cook Briggs在二战期间开发,目的是帮助女性找到最适合她们性格的战时工作。MBTI通过四个维度来区分个体的差异:

外向 (E) vs. 内向 (I):这表明一个人倾向于从外界获取能量还是从内在世界获取。
MBTI职业性格测试 Personality Types | 16Personalities

感觉 (S) vs. 直觉 (N):这体现在个体处理信息的首选方式上,是依赖具体实际的信息还是抽象的、潜意识的模式。

思维 (T) vs. 情感 (F):这涉及到做决策时倾向于依靠逻辑分析还是人际考量。

判断 (J) vs. 感知 (P):这描述了个体对外界的生活方式的倾向,是更偏好有组织有计划的方式,还是更灵活开放的方式。


尽管MBTI在个人发展和职业规划方面被广泛使用,但它在学术界仍有争议,主要是因为它的可重测性和科学性不足。其他的心理学人格理论和测试还包括大五人格模型(Big Five),它基于五个不同的人格特质来评估个体差异:开放性(Openness)、尽责性(Conscientiousness)、外倾性(Extraversion)、宜人性(Agreeableness)、和神经质(Neuroticism)。
MBTI职业性格测试 Personality Types | 16Personalities


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-report questionnaire designed to make Jung's theory of psychological types understandable and useful in people's lives. The MBTI helps inpiduals identify their preferences in four areas:

1. Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I): This dimension reflects where an inpidual primarily directs their energy. Extraverts are oriented towards the outer world and derive energy from interaction with others, whereas introverts are oriented towards the inner world and are energized by solitary activities.

2. Sensing (S) or Intuition (N): This dimension represents how an inpidual prefers to gather information. Sensing inpiduals focus on the present and concrete information gained from their senses, while intuitive inpiduals look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities beyond what is immediately apparent.
MBTI职业性格测试 Personality Types | 16Personalities

3. Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): This dimension pertains to decision-making. Thinkers make decisions based on logic and objective analysis, while feelers base their decisions on values and the impact on others.

4. Judging (J) or Perceiving (P): This dimension relates to how an inpidual approaches the structure of their world. Judging inpiduals prefer a planned and organized approach to life and like to have things settled. Perceivers prefer to remain open to experience and flexible in their approach to life.

Combining one preference from each of the four categories yields a 4-letter MBTI type (such as INTJ or ESFP) out of the 16 possible types. Each type offers a profile of characteristics that can give inpiduals insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and the way they perceive and interact with the world. The idea is that knowing your MBTI type can help in areas such as career planning, as it suggests what kind of work environments and occupations you might find most fulfilling based on your personality type.

MBTI has been used in various settings, including corporate human resources, personal coaching, leadership development, and marriage counseling. Despite its widespread use, the reliability and validity of the MBTI have been the subject of much criticism.

When using or referring to MBTI in a professional context, it's important to recognize that while it can be a useful tool for self-awareness and team dynamics, it should not be used as an absolute measure or predictor of behavior, but as one of several considerations in understanding personality and professional adaptability.